Causes of chest pain when inhaling

Pain when inhaling in the heart does not always indicate cardiovascular disease. The cardiologist explained that most often such a symptom refers to intercostal neurology.

The doctor explained that as the body is filled with oxygen, the chest expands, changing its configuration. This movement leads to “pinching” of the nerve and pain.

Another cause of pain in the sternum area is panic attacks. This condition is accompanied by internal anxiety, worry, and excessive fussiness. A person may have difficulty breathing, and the heartbeat begins to increase.

Another possible cause of discomfort when inhaling is gastroesophageal reflux. This is a condition in which gastric juice flows back into the esophagus. This causes irritation and discomfort in the chest.

According to the doctor, breathing problems can indicate the consequences of rib injuries, pneumonia, or pleurisy.

However, heart disease is often not related to the respiratory phase. You can distinguish heart and vascular diseases by increased or decreased blood pressure and pulse rate. It is important to understand that we are talking about pain when inhaling. If you feel strong pressure in the chest area regardless of the respiratory phase, this may be a symptom of a heart attack or stroke.

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Author: alex

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