Causing cancer and diabetes: the unexpected danger of popular sweets has been named
Replacing sugar with honey and other sweeteners in tea, coffee and other products does not bring health benefits.
This is because honey is considered a completely healthy sweet and is often added in too much, says the Action on Sugar report. Also, ready-made products with honey as a result contain a huge amount of sugar.
The norm of honey, like any other sweetener, for an adult is only 30 grams per day. When adding one 7-gram spoonful to tea, 6 grams of so-called free sugar remain in the drink. When adding the same spoonful of regular sugar, there will be only 4 grams in the tea.
Free sugars are monosaccharides, such as glucose and fructose, and disaccharides – sucrose or regular sugar, which are added to foods and drinks, and also naturally found in syrups, fruit juices and honey.
“Marketing tricks lead to the fact that consumers have absolutely no understanding of what free sugars are, which products contain them and how they contribute to the total sugar intake per day. Too many calories from sugars contribute to the risk of obesity, type 2 diabetes, various types of cancer, liver disease and dental disease,” said nutritionist Katherine Jenner.
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