Changes with the tongue warn of various health problems
The state of health reflects in the color, appearance and texture of the tongue, as well as in the sensations it conveys.
Doctors note that a healthy tongue should be pink, covered with small nodules (papillae), and, in fact, any a deviation from the normal appearance of the tongue can be a cause for concern (especially under a number of conditions). What exactly should be alarming?
White plaque or spots on the tongue. A similar change with the tongue can occur in the following cases.
- Thrush – this yeast infection is quite capable of developing in the oral cavity.
- Red lichen planus – in this case, convex white lines that resemble lace appear on the tongue.
- Leukoplakia – its appearance means the growth of cells in the mouth, which leads to keratinization of areas of its mucous membrane. This process can portend cancer.
Red tongue. Too bright, atypical red, red color can warn of many problems.
- Vitamin deficiency – for example, a deficiency of B vitamins (folic acid, B 12) or vitamin D.
- Geographic tongue – reddish spots resembling a map appear on the surface of the tongue.
- Scarlatina – the infection makes the tongue “strawberry”, red and uneven.
- Kawasaki disease – it is characterized by pathological lesions of an inflammatory nature in the arteries.
“If the red tongue is accompanied by fever, it is necessary be sure to consult a doctor”.
Ulcers in the mouth.Stress or other factors contribute to their appearance, but in any case, if there is no serious pathology, they should heal on their own within a week or two. A lump or sore in the mouth that doesn't go away within two weeks should be checked out, as it could be a sign of cancer, regardless of whether you feel pain or not.
Black hairy tongue.< /strong> Papillae on the tongue grow throughout life. In some people, they become excessively long, increasing the likelihood of bacterial contamination, giving the tongue a dark or black appearance. As a rule, this is not a serious condition and passes thanks to hygienic procedures. But people with diabetes who take antibiotics or receive chemotherapy are at higher risk of developing a black hairy tongue and should take extra care.
When to see a doctor. The Cleveland the clinic recommends to consult a doctor if the tongue changes color, thickens, ulcers or pain occurs and these symptoms do not disappear within two weeks.
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