Cranberry was called an effective means for longevity
This sour red berry is popular in Ukraine, many people make jam or compote. It is believed that its properties strengthen immunity and help fight colds. However, it also treats and prevents many dangerous diseases, scientists claim.
In particular, cranberry juice is often recommended for urinary tract infections. Researchers have found out that it is better to eat berries whole, as they contain substances that prevent the ability of bacteria to stick to the wall of the bladder, which reduces the risk of infection.
In addition, cranberries improve mood and strengthen health of the digestive system. This berry is also rich in antioxidants that prevent inflammation in the body.
According to research, people who consume cranberries have lower levels of C-reactive protein, a marker of inflammation in the blood that can cause premature aging, chronic diseases and deterioration of cognitive functions.
Experts believe that cranberries can improve the flexibility of arteries and blood circulation. Thus, using this berry, you can lower blood pressure. Thanks to the properties of cranberries, the risk of developing cardiovascular diseases decreases.
Source storinka.com.ua
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