Dairy products and vegetables reduce the risk of colon cancer
According to the review, higher consumption dietary fiber, dietary calcium, and yogurt, and lower consumption of red meat and alcohol are associated with a lower risk of developing colorectal cancer (CRC).
Sajesh K. Vettil, PhD, of the University of Utah in Salt Lake City, and colleagues evaluated the quality of evidence in meta-analyses of prospective observational studies evaluating the association between dietary factors and CRC incidence.
The researchers identified 45 meta-analyses describing 109 associations between dietary factors and CRC. Almost a third of the associations (35 of 109) were nominally statistically significant using random-effects meta-analysis models. Large between-study heterogeneity was observed for 17 associations (15.6 percent), while small study effects were found for 11 associations (10.1 percent).
No excessive bias was noted for any what is the relationship between diet and CRC. For associations between diet and CRC, the primary analysis identified five as conclusive, two as strongly suggestive, 10 as suggestive, and 18 as weak. There was no evidence for 74 (67.9 percent) associations.
Strong evidence supports an association between red meat consumption (high or low) and alcohol (four or more drinks per day compared with zero or occasional beverage consumption) with CRC incidence, and the inverse relationship between higher and lower intakes of dietary fiber, dietary calcium, and yogurt with CRC risk. These compelling associations remained robust in sensitivity analyses.
“More studies are needed of specific foods for which evidence remains suggestive, including other dairy products, whole grains, processed meats, and special diets.” – the authors write.
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