Dermatologists from the United States have listed products that provoke skin aging

Dermatologists from the USA talked about products that provoke rapid aging of the skin. According to experts, the list includes popular street food and sausage products.

Dermatologists reported that healthy and elastic skin is a consequence of proper human nutrition. Experts believe that the first position in the list of products that lead to rapid aging of the skin is spicy food. In particular, these can be hot dogs, sausages, salami, pepperoni and cured meats. These products are enriched with fats, sodium and sulfites in large quantities.

These substances can provoke dehydration of the skin and the inflammatory process due to the weakening of collagen. Dermatologists are sure that the use of margarine and sweets has a negative effect on the skin. The first has trans fats in its composition, and the second can damage collagen. As a result, the skin loses its elasticity and becomes flabby.

It is worth remembering that high air temperature and solar activity can negatively affect the skin of adults and children. For this reason, it is recommended not to forget to use special creams for its protection.

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Author: alex

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