Do you need to cover the pot with a lid when cooking pasta?
It would seem that cooking pasta is easy. But it is enough to make one mistake, and the dish will not be as tasty as you would like.
Common mistakes include not enough water, pouring pasta into cold liquid, and rinsing the dish after cooking.
But there are other actions that many amateur cooks do not even suspect are wrong. Yes, it is important whether the pot is covered with a lid when cooking pasta or not.
A common mistake
Some housewives believe that pasta should be cooked in a container with a closed lid.
However, contrary to popular belief, this approach does not speed up the cooking process.
Although the water boils a little faster, the effect does not last long. Moreover, serious problems can arise.
Yes, the liquid can foam and start to “leak”. In this case, the cook will automatically open the lid, which will probably result in a considerable amount of water being poured onto the stove.
In this case, the surface will remain dirty, and the pasta may turn into an unappetizing mass due to the lack of liquid.
Thus, pasta should be cooked in a saucepan either without a lid or in a container that is half-covered with a lid.
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