Doctor: Daytime sleep may do more harm than good
The main thing for daytime sleep is its proper organization. In some cases, such sleep can harm, not benefit.
The therapist told the press that healthy daytime sleep should be associated with the synthesis of the hormone melatonin, which regulates the phases of sleep and activity. During the day, the highest concentration of melatonin in the blood is observed in the period from 13 to 15 hours, which is optimal for daytime sleep. Daytime sleep outside this period can be detrimental to well-being, it contributes to a state of “breakdown”, deprives normal working capacity, and has a bad effect on the ability to concentrate.
According to the doctor, an ideal daytime sleep should not last longer than 30 minutes. In this case, it promotes the production of serotonin – the “hormone of joy”, which will give a person a feeling of cheerfulness and lightness, improve mood and help to spend the rest of the day actively, having managed to do a lot. During a short daytime sleep, the content of stress hormones in the blood decreases, which affect the risk of disorders in the cardiovascular system. A half-hour daytime sleep is especially useful for people with hypertension and heart rhythm disorders, as well as those who have had a heart attack or stroke.
However, sleeping more than 30 minutes instead of benefit can bring a state of decline in strength and provoke a bad mood, the doctor added. In addition, a long daytime sleep can be harmful to the elderly. Studies have shown that such sleep increases their risk of developing dementia by 3 times.
In addition, the doctor advised people who are well-known for their insomnia not to sleep during the day. In addition, daytime sleep can be detrimental to diabetics – the risk of hyperglycemia is especially high in the afternoon.
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