Doctor names drink that doubles stroke risk within an hour of drinking

A stroke occurs when arteries that supply the brain with nutrient-rich blood become blocked, cutting off blood flow. The first signs of this event are numbness on one side of the body, slurred speech, or sudden confusion. Researchers are confident that preventive measures against the disease could reduce the risk of stroke for millions of people.

But a single drink, widely consumed in the UK, significantly increases the risk of stroke for millions of people, according to a study.

Researchers warn that drinking alcohol doubles the risk of stroke within an hour of drinking it. The findings are based on a study conducted by the Harvard School of Public Health and Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center in Boston.

The researchers studied a sample of 400 men and women who had suffered an ischemic stroke and their alcohol consumption in the hour before their symptoms.

The results showed that the risk of stroke in the hour after drinking alcohol was twice as high as in the absence of alcohol.

The risk, which decreased by about 30 percent over 24 hours, was the same for different types of alcoholic beverages.

“Even when we excluded people who were exposed to another risk factor during that hour, there was no change.”

Dr. Larry Goldstein, professor of medicine and director of the Duke Stroke Center at Duke University Medical Center in Durham, added:

“Overall, the long-term risk of stroke may be lower in individuals who drink alcohol in small or moderate amounts. In this case, the long-term reduction may outweigh the immediate risk.”

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Author: alex

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