Doctors discover unexpected benefits of popular treats

The beneficial properties of prunes have been known since the times of Ancient Egypt, where they learned how to properly dry plums. This dried fruit contains many vitamins, is famous for its antioxidant properties, strengthens the walls of blood vessels and normalizes digestion.

Doctors from the Veterans Affairs Medical Center and the University of California, San Francisco have discovered an unexpected use of this delicacy for treating patients after serious injuries. According to News-Medical, prunes can help rebuild bones after spinal cord injury.

Scientists conducted a series of experiments on mice. It turned out that a prune diet helped animals prevent bone loss after spinal cord injury and quickly restore it. “In various unique study scenarios, prunes were consistently associated with a favorable bone response. No other food has such a positive effect,” said Bernard Halloran, professor emeritus at the University of California.

It remains unclear which biologically active compounds in prunes are responsible for the beneficial effects on bones. However, researchers suggest that the polyphenol content in prunes may play a role. Non-phenolic compounds in prunes, such as vitamin K and manganese, may also be involved in this process. Both substances are believed to help maintain bone health.

Scientists have yet to fully understand how prunes affect bone health. However, Californian doctors are already confident that adding prunes to their diet can help people improve their bone health. “The bone response to prunes is remarkable, especially because prunes are an important part of a healthy diet, and they are readily available, affordable and safe,” said Professor Halloran.

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Author: alex

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