Doctors explained how a cold can develop into heart disease
Doctors told under what circumstances a seemingly common cold can develop into heart disease. The cause of such consequences can be Kawasaki syndrome, even if it was suffered in childhood.
The consequences of a rare pathology can manifest themselves already in adolescence, usually they are manifested by pain in the heart area, especially during sports. In more complex cases, myocardial infarction and ischemic heart disease occur. The syndrome usually affects children under the age of five, and is one of the most common causes of acquired heart disease in young children.
The syndrome is difficult to diagnose because its symptoms are similar to a cold. For example, a person may have a fever that lasts for a long time. A rash may also appear on the body. You can get rid of the effects of Kawasaki syndrome only if it is detected in time. Treatment is with special medications, and you will also have to undergo regular examinations by a cardiologist.
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