Doctors explained why it is dangerous to sleep in socks

Quite often, people prefer not to take off their socks before going to bed, and doctors have explained why this can be dangerous. If you sleep in socks, blood circulation in the area of ​​the ankles may be disturbed from squeezing them with an elastic band, which is harmful to the cardiovascular system.

The manner of sleeping in socks is dangerous for health, their elastic bands in the area of ​​the ankles can compress blood vessels and disrupt blood circulation, which increases the risk of formation of clots, blood clots – the opinion of experts on this was published by “cursorinfo”. In addition, in socks, the feet are less ventilated, begin to sweat and may be affected by the reproduction of fungi.

Also, doctors explained that during sleep the body tends to cool down, as the body naturally slows down the processes of functioning of internal systems. A certain decrease in temperature is necessary to sleep normally, and the body releases its heat, including through the legs. When sleeping in tight socks, many people can feel overheated, which causes them to suffer from sleep disorders. Sleep disorders often lead to other pathologies – mood problems, endocrine disorders, excess weight.

For those who are still not ready to stop sleeping without socks, doctors advise to give preference to products made of natural materials with soft elastic. , as well as carefully monitor their cleanliness.

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Author: alex

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