Doctors have named 4 early signs of Parkinson's disease
Experts in the field of medicine and health say that most people learn about Parkinson's disease only when there are pronounced symptoms. Doctors named 4 signs that indicate the likelihood of developing a neurological disease several years before its occurrence.
One of the first signs doctors call restless sleep. It is worth paying attention to increased activity during sleep and the lack of memories of it after waking up. Also, a symptom of the probable development of Parkinson's disease can be the loss of the ability to distinguish smells. This symptom appears several years before the disease in 90% of patients, preceding tremor and disorders in the musculoskeletal system.
A likely sign of the development of a chronic neurological disease may be a constant feeling of anxiety. It appears decades before the disease due to changes in the biochemical processes of the brain and may be accompanied by depression.
The fourth symptom, doctors call digestive problems and disorders in the gastrointestinal tract. A recent medical study by scientists has revealed an existing relationship between the state of the human brain and the bacterial composition of the gastrointestinal tract.
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