Doctors have named the first symptoms of appendicitis

Modern medicine does not stand still, constantly developing and improving in the diagnosis and treatment of various diseases, but doctors still have not determined the purpose of the appendix in the human body, the inflammation of which can even lead to death. Doctors talked about the first symptoms of appendicitis, which should not be ignored.

Inflammation of the appendix can be indicated by disturbances in the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract and an increase in body temperature. These signs speak not only of appendicitis, but also of other diseases. Among the first symptoms, doctors note pain in the abdominal cavity, constipation or diarrhea, loss of appetite, fever, nausea and vomiting, as well as coughing or sneezing, which causes pain. All these signs are a reason to seek help from specialists.

There is also a method of self-diagnosis. Appendicitis is characterized by irritation of the peritoneum, so by lightly pressing on the front wall of the cavity and feeling the pain that intensifies, you can almost accurately determine the problem. You should not press on the area of ​​concern more than once, you should urgently consult a doctor who will accurately diagnose and prescribe the necessary treatment.

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Author: alex

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