Doctors named 5 main benefits of walnuts for health
Walnuts very useful for health, but few people realize how strong their benefits are. Doctors have named five main advantages of this affordable product.
Walnuts contain phytochemicals and many polyunsaturated fats that are important for the functioning of the organ. Omega-3 fatty acids help reduce oxidative stress in the brain and improve signal transmission and neurogenesis itself. Vitamin E, folic and ellagic acids, which are in walnuts, improve memory.
Omega-3 fatty acids are very important for normal work of the central nervous system. Scientists conducted relevant studies and found that omega-3 improves mood disorders.
Nuts in the diet will reduce the risk of developing cardiovascular diseases, and walnut oil has a beneficial effect on the function of the endothelium. According to a scientific study, consumption of the product more than 4 times a week reduces the risk of coronary heart disease by 37%.
Weight loss
Walnuts are rich in calories, but they do not lead to weight gain. Experts recommend consuming them instead of foods that cause obesity.
Digestive system
Scientists have conducted research on animals: nuts enrich the intestinal microbiome and increase the number of beneficial bacteria.
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