Doctors named 6 undeniable advantages of a cold shower over a hot one

The benefit of water procedures for human health has long been undisputed, but the topic of which water is more comfortable for the human body remains open to question. Doctors named 6 undeniable advantages of a cold shower over a hot one.

Experts have recognized that standing under jets of warm water is much more comfortable, but it is not as beneficial for health as cool water. There are at least 6 reasons why it is better to take a cold shower. According to doctors, it helps the body cope with stress. The fact is that such a procedure is a shock for the body, thanks to which it begins to release adrenaline. At the same time, the so-called “hormones of joy” – endorphins – are produced, and they help fight against stressful conditions and bad mood.

Moreover, cold water promotes weight loss. It turns out that the body immediately begins to react to the temperature drop and starts the process of burning excess fat. Also, cold water improves blood circulation, which helps strengthen immunity. If you take a cool shower regularly, you can become more resistant to colds.

In addition, cold water relieves muscle tension. For this reason, this procedure is used by athletes and people who work hard to relax after physical exertion. Also, a cold shower in the morning recharges energy that lasts throughout the day. Fans of this procedure claim that it invigorates better than coffee. Closes the list of assumptions that a cold shower improves the condition of the skin and hair.

This fact has never been proven by representatives of the scientific community, but ordinary people claim that it is really so. They say that hot water dries out the skin and hair too much, therefore negatively affects their condition. In turn, cold water leaves useful fat and also improves blood flow, thanks to which a person always looks much fresher after a shower.

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Author: alex

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