Doctors talked about five dangerous changes in the state of the oral cavity as a result of smoking


Among the most dangerous changes in the condition of the oral cavity caused by smoking, doctors single out damage to the bones of the oral cavity, as well as the development of its cancer.

Smoking not only provokes the appearance of dangerous diseases, but can also radically change a person's appearance – for example, by destroying his teeth. Specialists of the dental clinic told about this in an interview with Express, listing several changes in the condition of the oral cavity that any smoker should be wary of.

“Smoking has a serious destructive effect on teeth and oral health in general. This habit is associated with the occurrence of a whole spectrum of dental problems, some of which may be irreversible,” the doctors warned.

Change in the color of teeth. Experts state that even smoking just two of cigarettes a day leads to the appearance of stains and loss of enamel whiteness, although this happens somewhat more slowly than when a person smokes more.

According to doctors, over the years of a person's life, microcracks are formed on the tooth enamel absorbing fragments of consumed food and drinks. In smokers, with each puff of a cigarette, nicotine, resin and other substances penetrate into such cracks, causing yellowing. It is impossible to remove it regardless of how well a person brushes his teeth.

Caries and tooth loss.Long-term smoking contributes to the gradual destruction of teeth. It limits oxygen access to the gums, resulting in the nerves not getting enough blood supply to stay healthy. Large gaps can appear between the teeth and around the gum line, which are not only unattractive from the outside, but can also provoke infections (food residues get stuck in them). All this leads to a weakening of the tooth structure, increases their tendency to loosen and fall out.

Periodontosis.Periodontal disease, also known as gum disease, is a bacterial infection of the oral cavity that causes damage to the gums and teeth over time. The first signs of the problem are bleeding when brushing or flossing. As periodontal disease progresses, the gums begin to recede more and more, exposing the neck of the tooth.

“Periodontal disease can be cured at an early stage, so if you smoke and suffer from this disease, you should stop smoking and make an appointment with the dentist ”, experts advised.

Bone damage. If gum disease is not checked and treated, the infection can spread, penetrate deeper into the tissues and underlying bone structures, threatening to cause their destruction . This can have dangerous, serious consequences for the structure of the chin line and facial features in general, experts warn.

Cancer of the oral cavity. One of the most dangerous changes in the condition of the oral cavity – cancer – can hit any part of her mouth, including lips, gums, cheeks, teeth, tongue. Express interlocutors reminded that the main causes of oral cavity cancer are smoking and alcohol consumption – something that can always be given up.

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Author: alex

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