Doctors told what early gray hair indicates
Gray hair on the head does not always signal old age. Young people often face this problem. Coloring and pulling out bleached hair will not help solve the problem, says a cosmetologist and trichologist.
Hair usually starts to turn gray after the age of 40, but premature graying includes hair discoloration before the age of 30. With age, the hair cuticles become thinner and lose their protective barrier. Gray hair is thin, coarse, difficult to style and easily damaged, the specialist explained.
Premature loss of pigment in hair can be caused by several factors:
- severe stress
- health problems
- iron deficiency anemia
It is no longer possible to restore the color of gray hair. However, you can make sure that the rest of the hair does not lose its natural pigment. It is best to consult a trichologist to find out the causes of early graying together.
You can slow down this process with a head massage that will improve blood circulation, cosmetics based on red pepper extract, as well as with mesotherapy and plasma therapy. These procedures improve the quality of hair, stimulate its growth, strengthen it and make it healthy.
But pulling out gray hair is a dubious health procedure, as it can only accelerate the process of discoloration of the scalp. Removing gray hair mechanically shortens the hair growth phase. In its place, a second, identical hair appears, but with a shorter life cycle.
Another problem associated with hair is its abundant loss. A person should lose up to 100 hairs a day, but if you feel like there are too many on your comb, you should consult a specialist. Perhaps the loss is due to the wrong shampoo or a deficiency of beneficial elements in the body.
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