Don't risk it: 7 foods that become dangerous when reheated
We present to your attention the TOP-7 products that become potentially dangerous when reheated and are more harmful than useful. Curious about which ones? Then read on.
Mushrooms are best eaten immediately after they have been cooked or fried. It is not recommended to consume them reheated. After all, as a result of the effect of high temperatures on this product, the proteins contained in them form harmful compounds that are far from safe. Therefore, if you want to treat your guests with mushrooms, prepare a fresh portion.
When heated, dangerous fatty acids – trans fats – are formed in the structure of oil. They have an unfavorable effect on human metabolism. In some cases, they even increase the risk of cancer. I think this is worth thinking about.
Did you guess that rice cannot be reheated? And you are right! Rice can be reheated, but you should store this cooked cereal correctly. You should not keep it at room temperature, because even at 18-20 degrees C, bacteria dangerous to the body multiply in it. Try to keep cooked rice only in the refrigerator.
This is the most popular product in our diet. Potatoes contain bacteria that are destroyed by heat treatment, but storing this second dish at room temperature can cause the reproduction of pathogenic flora. Therefore, you can reheat potatoes, but you should store them correctly to avoid health problems.
Eggs are one of the main products that contain a large amount of proteins that are indispensable for our body. When eggs are reheated, dangerous substances are synthesized in them, so it is better not to take risks.
The protein compounds that chicken meat is rich in, along with eggs and mushrooms, are also dangerous for the human body. After all, as a result of the increased temperature during heating and the reaction that occurs in them, they turn from useful to harmful.
Onions, celery and beets are vegetables that we so often use in soups. However, heating a dish with these ingredients is dangerous. Since these vegetables often contain nitrates, which are converted into nitrites when heated, which sometimes act as causative agents of nitro-carcinogenic organisms.
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