Drinks that accelerate fat burning at night

Drinking these drinks is useful at night – they help speed up metabolism and make fat burning processes more intense. This effect is related to the complex effect of their individual ingredients: thanks to it, digestion is accelerated, metabolism is activated, and a detox effect occurs.

Drink with cinnamon, apple cider vinegar and parsley. Acts as a natural fat burner: its regular consumption can help lose several kilograms.


  • juice of one lemon,
  • handful of parsley,
  • >

  • a stick of cinnamon (or a teaspoon of cinnamon powder),
  • one tablespoon of grated ginger,
  • one teaspoon of apple cider vinegar,
  • 500 ml of water .

Cinnamon contains fiber that is good for digestion. Due to the high content of vitamin C in lemon, the body produces more of the hormone norepinephrine, which helps break down fat. Parsley has a diuretic effect and helps remove excess water from the body, and ginger stimulates metabolism. Apple cider vinegar stimulates bowel movements.

Drinks that accelerate fat burning at night

Place all the ingredients in a blender and beat until you get a smooth liquid. Drink the drink before going to bed.

Cucumber drink with lemon and ginger. Effectively accelerates the burning of fat on the stomach.


  • cucumber,
  • a little parsley or coriander,
  • juice of one lemon ,
  • one teaspoon of grated ginger,
  • one teaspoon of aloe vera juice
  • half a glass of water.

Lemon juice stimulates the removal of toxins from the body, parsley and coriander contain many antioxidants, cucumber components fight with annoying fat overnight.

Mix all the ingredients thoroughly. If the drink seems too sour, you can add a little honey.

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Author: alex

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