Early symptoms that will indicate an age-related eye problem

With age, vision begins to deteriorate, this is a natural process. Presbyopia is an abnormality of refraction of the eye that occurs at the age of 40-60 years, in which a person cannot see small print or small objects at a close distance.

Optometrist Sarah Behar talked about this condition and called it early symptoms “As we get older, the lens of the eye becomes less elastic, and when this happens, it can no longer change shape to focus on close-up images. As a result, images, text or screens are out of focus,” she explained.

According to her, often the first sign of presbyopia is that a person begins to hold books, newspapers or a smartphone away, at arm's length. . Some other common symptoms include:

  • difficulty reading small print or focusing on nearby objects;
  • needing brighter light when reading;
  • eye strain or headache when reading or doing work.

Behar added that some people don't experience this problem, but at the first signs of presbyopia, you should see a doctor. Treatment usually consists of glasses or contact lenses. They are needed to compensate for the inability of the eyes to focus on nearby objects.

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Author: alex

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