Effective home remedies that will help with a runny nose
An ENT specialist told how quickly and easily you can get rid of a stuffy nose at home.
A stuffy nose and constant blowing your nose are a real disaster. When your nose is running or you can't breathe at all, it's hard to enjoy life. In addition, it can trigger serious ear, throat, and nose diseases.
It often happens that you don't have any pharmacy products at hand to rinse your nasal passages. To help solve this problem, otolaryngologist Maria Kuznetsova gave some tips that will help get rid of a runny nose at home:
1. Humidify the air in the apartment. If you don't have special equipment, put a wet towel on a hot radiator.
2. Drink any drink, the main thing is that it is warm.
3. Do a nose acupressure: for two minutes, use a pair of fingers to massage the points between the eyebrows, and then between the nose and lip.
4. Take a hot bath if there is no high temperature. Water procedures will relax the body, and the steam will serve as an inhalation for the nose. The room where you bathe should also be warm.
5. Due to frequent wiping with a handkerchief under the nose, a slight swelling may appear. Apply essential oil to a napkin and inhale the pleasant aroma for several minutes. This will help clear your nose and relieve inflammation.
6. Eat spicy food. The runny nose will get worse, but this will help your nose and sinuses clear more effectively.
– These tips are effective. But you can’t just treat them. If your runny nose is accompanied by a fever and headache, see a doctor immediately. In addition, a long runny nose is also a bad symptom. Don’t self-medicate and don’t let the disease get worse, the doctor advises.
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