Excellence Syndrome: What It Is, How It Manifests, and Why It's Dangerous to Be the Best
Many parents only dream of their child always striving to be the best in everything, thereby forming the excellence student syndrome in their child. As a result, in kindergarten, the child wants the best toys, and in school, he tries to study only for A's.
And already in adulthood, such a person will be ready to work in an uninteresting but highly paid job, marry an unloved but wealthy girl, and even take part in a dubious adventure, so that everyone around him considers her the best. What is the danger of such a phenomenon?
Various manifestations of the excellent student syndrome
First of all, you need to understand that not everyone who graduated from school with an A is suffering from this syndrome, at the same time, its manifestations can also be observed in A-level students. These people look for the opportunity to be the first in a wide variety of situations:
Work. Employees with exceptionalism try to do more than other employees. Often they work not for the sake of the result, but simply to make an impression on others. At the same time, such people are often afraid to get down to business, because they are afraid of a low evaluation.
Relationships. These people are practically never late, they even arrive earlier than necessary, they constantly try to emphasize their importance.
Life. The excellent student cooks excellently and does all the women's work with an A, just to be a good housewife. At the same time, she may hate housework, but she will never say it. Representatives of the stronger sex, who suffer from the excellent student syndrome, always have a car that is washed to a shine, he cannot calmly walk past an untwisted cog.
Appearance. There can be two extremes here: clothes and shoes ironed to a shine, or emphasized negligence. The blame for everything is the narcissism of eternal excellent students and self-admiration.
Problems of eternal excellent students
If the desire to be better brings results, be it a promotion or building relationships, then this is healthy perfectionism. A distinctive feature of the excellent student syndrome is the inability to determine what is truly important and what is not, and the inability to independently evaluate the results of one's work. That's when the problems begin. Moreover, not only the eternal excellent students themselves suffer, but also the people around them:
- excellent students like to criticize everything and everyone;
- they are disdainful of people who do not occupy a high position;
- excellent students practically do not rest, which leads to exhaustion and illness;
- eternal excellent students are very picky about children and their significant others, which threatens conflicts in the family;
- People who suffer from the excellent student syndrome are overly mercantile;
- Perpetual excellent students almost never achieve professional success because they constantly doubt themselves.
It is possible to overcome the excellent student syndrome
Psychologists identify three most effective ways to stop being an eternal excellent student:
- You need to imagine the eternal excellent student in yourself as a separate person with an unpleasant appearance, who is dissatisfied with everything and is picky about everything. The hostility that arises towards the character will gradually make the excellent student syndrome go away.
- In the fight against the unpleasant personality of the excellent student, it is worth calling for help from a positive hero. This can be an angel, a kind wizard, who will calm down and suggest the right decision.
- You need to add awareness and analysis to your life. To do this, it is worth asking yourself more often about the meaning of the action that is being performed or not being performed.
The excellent student syndrome is a psychological problem that must be solved in order to live a happy and fulfilling life.
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