Experts have named 5 foods that cause bloating

About the five “enemies flat stomach” said the experts of one foreign publication.


Any grape is a difficult product for digestion. Fructose, which is found in large quantities in grapes, causes increased gas formation and inevitably leads to bloating. The fact is that for its digestion, the stomach needs certain enzymes, which are not always produced in the right amount. This also applies to apples, peaches, melons and pears. In addition, grapes are quite high in calories, so they are recommended to be eaten rarely and only as a dessert.


Cabbage itself is an extremely useful vegetable: it is rich in fiber, various minerals and vitamin K, but it is better to give it up before wearing a tight dress. Important: this applies only to raw vegetables, since during heat treatment, coarse fiber is destroyed, which is the main cause of bloating. Stewed or baked cabbage can be eaten at any time.

Bread and pastries

Bread and any baked goods (especially hot) made from white flour should be limited in principle, as they will not bring anything to the body except an excess carbohydrate load. The yeast and sugar used in bread production trigger the processes of gas formation and fermentation in the stomach, and can cause bloating and a host of other discomforts. If you can't give up bread at all, choose unleavened options made from whole grain flour.

Cheese with jam

Lactose and lactic bacteria found in all dairy products can cause bloating by themselves stomach and indigestion, but if you eat them together with fruit and sugar (and jams and jams contain both), the situation can get much worse. Such a mixture is very difficult to digest: the proteins take a long time to break down, and the jam starts to ferment in the meantime. By the way, this also applies to coffee with milk – if you don't drink the drink in its pure form, try to replace cow's milk with plant-based milk.

Sparkling water

Everything here is more than it is logical: both sweet carbonated drinks (nutritionists generally do not recommend them) and ordinary mineral water contain air bubbles, which inevitably lead to an increase in the volume of the stomach. Bloating can last up to 3-4 hours and be accompanied by heaviness and discomfort. This is not a reason to give up mineral water altogether – it is very useful – but its use should be treated with caution.

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Author: alex

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