Experts named the products useful for heart health

Profile experts named products that will be useful for the health of the cardiovascular system. At the same time, experts recommended leading a healthy lifestyle, excluding alcohol and cigarettes.

First of all, experts recommended paying attention to oats. This product is low in fat and heart-healthy sodium. At the same time, it contains beta-glucans, which have a beneficial effect on blood vessels.

In addition, pistachios should be introduced into the diet. One serving of these nuts contains approximately 10% of the norm of protein. Scientific studies have confirmed the theory that this product significantly reduces the risk of developing heart and vascular diseases.

In addition, experts recommended adding sardines to the diet of people with a tendency to diseases of the cardiovascular system. It turns out that this fish has a lot of health benefits.

Sardine has almost no mercury, but it has vitamins, minerals and omega-3 acids. Experts also advise to include leafy vegetables, olive oil and berries in the diet.

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Author: alex

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