Experts spoke about the dangers of low-fat cheese
Cheese is considered a very useful product that is often included in medical diets. However, experts spoke about the dangers of low-fat cheese.
Nutritionists do not recommend consuming low-fat cheese. According to them, it completely lacks fat-soluble vitamins A and D, and without them the body does not absorb calcium, which, in turn, normalizes liver function and maintains optimal cholesterol levels. A very fatty product has the same effect, so doctors advise choosing 5-9% fat.
A small amount of fat in food provokes brittle nails, hair and dry skin. In addition, the composition of skim cheese often includes starch and flavorings, because without them it is tasteless and dry.
For those who still decided to stop at skim cheese, experts advise to choose fats from other products. It is responsible for many processes in the human body, in particular, for the production of hormones, the formation of brain cells and thermoregulation.
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