Experts told how Ivan tea is useful

Znit narrow-leaved or, as it is called in the people, Ivan – tea is a perennial and fast-growing plant that is found in many regions of the Northern Hemisphere. For medicinal purposes, it began to be used in Russia around the 17th century, and now the number of its fans has been replenished by adherents of ZOH both in Ukraine and in Europe and America. Experts of the Baazar publication talked about the benefits of a unique plant and how to brew it correctly.

How is Ivan tea useful

At the moment, the benefits of Ivan tea have been confirmed by many laboratory studies. John's wort flowers are rich in vitamin B and C (the content of the latter in the extract is three times more than in oranges and six times more than in lemons). The plant has a high antioxidant value: substances in its composition actively fight free radicals, prevent inflammatory processes in the body, provide prevention of many chronic diseases, strengthen immunity and slow down the aging process.

In addition, Ivan tea contains organic acids, flavonoids and phytosterols. It also includes a large set of minerals: iron, copper, manganese and calcium. At the same time, it does not contain caffeine at all, so the decoction of its flowers can be safely drunk even in the evening.

The presence of pectins and a large amount of organic acids in Ivan tea helps detoxify the body. Flavonoids have a capillary-strengthening and anti-inflammatory effect. Due to coumarins, cypress helps relieve various types of pain, reduce fever, and fight viruses and disease-causing bacteria. The plant calms the nervous system, has moderate sedative properties and helps to reduce aggressiveness and stress.

The decoction of John's wort is excellent not only for internal, but also for external use – it can be used to make a tonic for the face. Active substances in the composition of the plant have moisture-retaining properties. They strengthen the skin's protective barrier, preventing it from losing too much water. Using a decoction of cypress as a facial tonic will help keep the skin hydrated and radiant (due to the high content of vitamin C).

How to properly brew Ivan tea

In general, the technology is not very different from brewing regular leaf tea. 2-3 tablespoons of dried yarrow flowers should be poured with boiling water and left to infuse for 10-15 minutes. After that, the resulting drink should be filtered through a fine strainer so that the flowers do not get into the cup. In order for the medicinal effect to be felt more strongly, it is better to drink the decoction on an empty stomach, and then refrain from eating for another 20-30 minutes.

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Author: alex

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