Experts told how to drink alcohol properly to avoid a hangover
Experts told how to drink alcohol properly to avoid a hangover. Much will depend on the dose of alcohol and what a person eats.
Scientists from Germany were able to establish that a hangover in the morning does not depend on the order in which a man drank alcoholic beverages, or whether he mixed them. The dose of alcohol consumed was of key importance. Moreover, hangover symptoms are usually more severe in women than in men. Individuals who lack a special enzyme called aldehyde dehydrogenase are more prone to hangovers than others. The latter plays a significant role in the processing of alcohol. Most often, this enzyme is not found in people of Asian descent, and among Europeans, it is no more than 3%.
British scientists have found that a person who suffers from a hangover while driving is no less dangerous than a drunk person, because even if there is no alcohol left in the blood, it still affects brain activity.
Australian experts believe that sports drinks can reduce the likelihood of a hangover, as they contain electrolytes. You can also have alcohol with fatty foods, as they prevent the absorption of alcohol. Pickles are good for getting rid of a hangover, you can also eat honey and stick to a dairy-vegetable diet for a while.
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