External signs that will tell others your real age
A person's face and body tell us about the approach of old age. How to deal with these age-related changes?
Most people know about many age-related changes, but not all of them. We have collected data and advice from foreign gerontological experts who study how the human body changes with age. In addition, we have tried to find ways to help slow down or mask the signs of old age.
They become much thinner with age. This is due to menopause, during which more hair falls out. You will have to resort to the help of a cosmetic pencil and draw your eyebrows.
It is no longer as voluminous as before. And with age it becomes thinner and thinner, especially in men. Conditioner and styling products are here to help you.
Extra hairs
New hair appears on the face. Try plucking them out with tweezers or laser hair removal.
Due to the fact that there is less water in the body and the metabolism slows down, the skin becomes dehydrated. Try to use less ordinary soap, which dries the skin. After showering, apply nourishing milk for the body, make face masks, and don't forget anti-aging products for the eyelids.
Unfortunately, with age, not only the condition of the skin and hair changes, some organs of our body change externally. For example, earlobes noticeably lengthen in old age, because the skin has lost its elasticity, and earrings only stretch it. Use moisturizing creams or decide on surgery, give up heavy jewelry.
Enamel thins and turns yellow with age. In addition, the gums can recede, exposing the tooth. This is especially noticeable with periodontal disease. Strengthen the gums, rinse them with coconut oil and visit the dentist regularly.
Incontinence can occur due to hormonal imbalance in women. This ailment most often affects women who have given birth. Eat foods with collagen or drink cranberry juice, many studies have shown that this helps the bladder maintain elasticity.
The shape of the feet changes with age. The fact is that the pads of the toes become thinner with age. Various types of bone deformation also occur, for example, the bone grows. Visit an orthopedist, he will tell you what exercises will help your feet.
Tired look
Do you constantly feel a decline in strength? Most often, the reason is a deficiency of vitamins D and group B, as well as magnesium, potassium and calcium. It is worth taking some drugs to raise their level. But do not prescribe them yourself, first consult a doctor and undergo a small examination. The fact is that an excess of vitamins and trace elements is also harmful.
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