Five serious diseases whose symptom is yawning
The doctor told us about the development of which dangerous diseases frequent yawning can signal. When should you sound the alarm?
Scientists recognize yawning as a very useful and necessary reflex that enhances cognitive activity. But sometimes yawning signals danger.
The therapist named five serious diseases, a symptom of which is yawning:
Multiple sclerosis
Along with constant yawning, other symptoms are also observed: numbness of the limbs, impaired vision, and problems with maintaining balance.
Liver dysfunction
Terrible fatigue, yawning, and hormonal imbalance characterize diseases of this organ. At the same time, a person's appetite decreases or nausea occurs.
Slow heart rate
Yawning signals a slow heart rate. If, together with it, you experience: nausea, gait disturbance, chest pain, uneven and shallow breathing, then you should consult a doctor.
When a stroke occurs, the body temperature rises, and therefore the person constantly yawns. In addition to yawning, the patient also experiences: a change in speech, facial distortion, and the inability to raise his arms.
Chronic fatigue
The feeling of stress occurs due to an increase in the level of a hormone called cortisol. It lives in the blood and in some cases it is he who causes pain in the head and chest, rapid breathing and heartbeat. In this case, yawning indicates a malfunction in the body.
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