Foods that reduce brain activity in just four weeks have been discovered
Many scientists agree that the risk of cognitive impairment and dementia can be reduced with the help of diet. For example, it is known that omega-3 fatty acids, which are found in large quantities in fish, are good for brain health. Now researchers have found that eating certain foods can significantly impair brain function in just four weeks.
According to scientists, processed foods should be excluded from the diet. During an experiment on rats, it was established that such food can cause a sharp decline in memory in just a month.
“The fact that we observe such an effect so quickly is a little alarming,” the researchers added. They noted that in older people, rapid memory loss is more likely to lead to neurodegenerative diseases, including Alzheimer's disease.
The scientists said that during their work, they gave potato chips and other similar snacks to three-month-old and 24-month-old rats. A control group of animals also received foods rich in docosahexaenoic acid (DHA, a class of omega-3s).
The study found that inflammatory markers in rodents that ate only processed foods increased significantly. At the same time, a significant deterioration of memory was observed in older rats. In particular, the rodents forgot about the time spent in unfamiliar places, indicating damage to the hypothalamus. Moreover, they were less susceptible to fear, which suggests abnormalities in the amygdala.
“The human amygdala plays an important role in the functioning of memory and the formation of emotions, including anxiety and fear. If this area of the brain is not working properly, danger signals can be ignored,” the experts said.
Conversely, rats that ate processed food with added DHA were protected from inflammatory reactions and memory loss. . The team concluded that omega-3 fatty acids protect brain health. However, the scientists stressed that the results should not be interpreted as a “license” to eat processed foods while taking DHA supplements.
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