For brain health: a simple drink can improve memory
Scientists and doctors say that the food culture of each individual person greatly affects the body as a whole. And some products help the proper functioning of certain organs. So, to improve memory or keep the brain healthy as long as possible, experts suggest adding a fermented milk drink to the diet.
Fermented milk drinks, such as kefir, contain various probiotic microorganisms. Researchers determined their effect on mood, stress and the hippocampus of the brain, which is closely related to memory and emotions.
In the course of the study, experts observed adults aged 25 to 45 without gastrointestinal diseases. and mental disorders. They had to regularly consume fermented milk drinks in the volume of about 230 grams for a month. Each drink contained 25–30 billion colony-forming units of live and active kefir cultures.
As a result, it was found that the number of beneficial lactobacillus in the intestines studied increased by 235%. In addition, relational memory indicators also improved. It stores and provides memories of relationships and associations between any objects and events. At the same time, it turned out that the change in the number of lactobacilli in itself is not related to the improvement of brain function.
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