Four factors that destroy the liver in everyday life

Even if you do not abuse alcohol in everyday life, your liver can suffer due to other habits – for example, because you like too much fruit.

Experts name several factors that destroy the liver in everyday life.

< strong>Intake of vitamins.Usually, when people take vitamin supplements, they want to do something good for their health. But be careful, vitamins can harm the liver. In particular, high dosages of vitamin A and vitamin B3 (niacin) have a bad effect on the state of the organ. According to experts, first of all, it is necessary to obtain useful substances from food – the diet for this should be as diverse as possible.

Treatment with paracetamol.The liver breaks down toxins – this applies not only to alcohol, but also to drugs. People who take medication especially often, or use strong remedies, risk damaging their liver. If in the process of medical treatment you start to feel pain in the upper part of the abdomen, be sure to consult a doctor. A drug that can have a destructive effect on the liver – in high doses) is, for example, paracetamol.

Love of fruit. Various studies show that a large amount of fruit sugar is absorbed ( fructose) increases the risk of fatty liver. While many people try to avoid fats and carbohydrates in their diet, they may not pay attention to the amount of fruit they eat. Do not make such a mistake.

Excess weight. Also, many people underestimate the destructive effect on the liver of their extra kilograms. Meanwhile, they may mean that excess fat is also accumulating in her cells. The so-called fatty liver can eventually develop into fibrosis and cirrhosis. In everyday life, it is important to control the habits that lead to obesity and to lose weight, if it has already appeared.

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Author: alex

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