Frequent cleaning in the apartment can shorten people's lives
According to research by Norwegian scientists, people , who often clean the apartment using various cleaning products, are at risk of dying earlier than those who are indifferent to the mess.
Keeping your home in order is a commendable trait, but scientists warn that if you use cleaning products frequently, you may be putting your health at risk. A Norwegian study showed that people who regularly clean their apartments using household chemicals may have lung function as low as that of heavy smokers.
“Chemicals contained in cleaning products, similar to the substances in cigarettes, have a negative effect on the lungs, contribute to the damage of the respiratory tract and increase the risk of developing asthma,” the American Journal of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine quotes researchers.
< p>Scientists have calculated: the highest risk of lung damage and disease is characteristic of those lovers of perfect cleanliness who have been exposed to toxic chemicals for more than 20 years. These people can suffer from the most serious and severe consequences of the negative effects of household chemicals on the body, including those that can shorten life.
To protect your own body and health, scientists recommend using “soap and water” when cleaning, use natural cleaning agents – soda, lemon juice. They also recommend wearing gloves and a face mask during assembly, and ventilating the room. Experts state: after using any means for cleaning, small particles can remain suspended in the air for a long time, settle on various surfaces. This is another good reason to limit the use of household chemicals at home.
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