Gardeners share advice: whether it is necessary to dig up the garden in the spring

Digging up the vegetable garden is a useful job, but it is time-consuming and therefore not always pleasant. Therefore, listen to the advice of experienced gardeners so as not to do unnecessary work.


If you have dug up the plot since autumn, then in the spring you can do without it. It is enough just to cultivate the area or walk with a deep rake to retain moisture.

When the soil is heavy, clayey, or nothing has grown there for several years, digging is a must. The only comforting thing is that you can dig shallowly in the spring. And if the soil is sandy, then half a shovel.

By the way, digging up the garden can be combined with fertilizing, as they say, two in one. Nitrogen fertilizers and humus should be applied in the spring (of course, not fresh, but rotted, at least two years old).

So, find out for yourself: whether you need to dig up your garden in the spring.

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Author: alex

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