Gardeners told the secrets of proper strawberry care in the spring

Strawberries are a favorite berry of many. I want to wait for the harvest in June to enjoy its taste and aroma, to eat to my heart's content and prepare for the winter. But in order to have a generous harvest, you need to properly care for strawberries in the spring.


As soon as the time of frosty mornings passes, you can rake last year's leaves, inspect each bush. This should be done with garden shears in hand. To cut dry and damaged leaves, old whiskers without pity. No more than 2-3 leaves should be left inside the bush. Collect everything cut in a bag, bucket or rake and burn.

When the earth dries, strawberries should be sprinkled, and shallow near the bushes, so as not to damage the roots. And in the rows you can go deeper – 10-15 cm deep. You also need to be careful not to cover the middle of the bushes.

Next, you need to treat the plants with a fungicide (Bordeaux liquid. Copper sulfate, other pharmaceutical drugs. This should be done especially carefully , if the strawberry was sick last year.

The next stage of care is feeding: first with nitrogen (nitrite, urea, chicken droppings). And when the buds appear, with ashes.

Regarding watering: if the soil dries up to the depth of the spade, strawberries should be watered approximately once a week. If it rains, additional watering is not necessary. After that, mulch the rows. This will save moisture and significantly reduce the number of leaks.

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Author: alex

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