Grandma's Soaked Apples: Recipe
It is very tasty and healthy if prepared according to this recipe. You should know that not all varieties of apples are suitable for soaking, but only autumn-winter ones, for example, Antonovka, Ranet, Slavyanka. They have a dense skin, and the pulp is elastic and has a sweet and sour taste.
First, wash the apples thoroughly in cold water. Then, line the bottom of the container in which you will soak (a wooden barrel, an enameled bucket or saucepan, a 3-liter jar) with currant and cherry leaves. Lay them out in rows, alternating apples and leaves.
Then pour them with syrup: 400 g of sugar and 3 tbsp. of salt are needed for 10 liters of water. The syrup must be boiled and cooled. Cover with a wooden circle, a plate, or an inverted lid of a smaller size and put a load on it.
The level of the syrup for soaking and storage should be 3-4 cm above the circle. Leave it in a room where the temperature is 18-20 degrees for a week. Apples absorb syrup, so you need to periodically add water little by little.
After that, lower them into the basement or take them out to the balcony for 1.5-2 months. During this time, they will become suitable for tasting. Men say that this is an unsurpassed appetizer for alcohol, and women say that they rejuvenate!
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