Hands will help: Top 5 simple ways to improve memory named
The human brain, like other parts of the body, can be trained. This helps develop memory and improve the speed of thinking.
Life has collected the top 5 tips for developing mental abilities. The methods are quite simple but effective.
1) Brush your teeth with the other hand. According to the publication, you just need to do it with the hand you are not used to. In this way, both hemispheres of the brain are trained, and the speed of thinking and memory are developed.
2) It is necessary to connect the index and thumb, as if showing the OK sign. In this way, the energy centers of our body are stimulated. “OK is the mudra of knowledge. It helps develop attention and memory,” the publication reports. It is recommended to connect the fingers for 5-6 minutes, while taking slow breaths and exhalations. Do this two or three times a day.
3) Walnuts. They must be slowly rolled between the palms, working out all the points. First with the left hand on the right, then vice versa. The publication claims that this way you will “revive” all the points on your palms that are responsible for brain activity.
4) Beads, embroidery, burning. “If you memorize a drawing, but reproduce it from memory, you can train your brain and protect it from sclerosis and other disorders,” the article says.
5) Musical instruments. It is noted that “music is not only able to evoke emotional experiences and activate mental processes, it has a beneficial effect on the nervous system, mood and memory.” The lyrics of a favorite song are never forgotten. Chords will also be stored in memory if you learn to play any musical instrument.
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