Housewives told when to plant beans so that they do not freeze during spring frosts


Summer residents often ask when to plant beans. In detail, experienced gardeners shared their experience.


The best time for planting beans is the end of April or beginning of May, when there will be no spring frosts and the soil will warm up to 15 degrees.

Before you plant, you need to carefully sort the beans so that they are not spoiled, because they will not grow. It is advisable to soak it in water before planting. So you will see which beans are spoiled if they float to the surface.

And beans that are soaked before planting go faster. The plant likes light fertile soil.

Bean is a heat-loving plant, choose a cozy place for it. Pumpkins, cabbage, potatoes and zucchini are good predecessors for beans. It cannot be planted after legumes.

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Author: alex

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