How alcohol changes men's perception of women
Most men who have ever drunk alcohol know that at the bottom of a glass you can find not only endless fun, sincere sincerity, courage in performing not always wise actions, but also suddenly for yourself and others to see the beauty of an inconspicuous colleague.
How alcohol changes men's perception of women Step No. 1: an imperceptible attack
Alcohol molecules need only a few seconds to be in the stomach. Immediately after the stomach, they go into the duodenum, and then into the bloodstream, and, of course, into the brain.
Step #2: Remove the signal
Just a few minutes after the first sip, the molecules of the fun drink move from the capillaries to the nearest cells. The result is a decrease in the level of a substance (choline), with the help of which nerve impulses are transmitted in the human brain.
Step #3: Disorient
After some time, alcohol begins to suppress the functions of the frontal lobe of the brain. And since it is with its help that a person makes decisions and develops behavioral programs, it is not surprising that a man begins to perform hitherto unthinkable actions. In addition, due to the release of dopamine (the pleasure hormone), he not only does not stop at the amount of alcohol he has drunk, but continues to drink and thinks about other pleasures.
Step No. 4: defocus
The next victim of alcohol is the occipital lobe of the brain. Its main activity is the interpretation of what a person sees. At this stage, the eyes also begin to fail – it becomes increasingly difficult to focus on a specific object, for example, the face of the interlocutor. And if the event takes place in dim light, then determining how pleasant a person’s appearance is is almost impossible.
Step No. 5: Finish
The final stage is the victory and complete control of alcohol over the body. The brain can no longer adequately assess even such an indicator of external attractiveness as symmetry. A man suddenly realizes how beautiful his colleague has become, which happens in just a couple of hours of feasting. Dopamine begins to prevail over all thoughts and desires, forcing you to think only about getting pleasure, already to a greater extent, physical.
Now you know how alcohol takes control of your body and makes you see what is not there. Of course, it is up to you to decide whether to drink and in what quantities. We advise you to stick to your measure, so as to always remain the master of the situation and not succumb to the deception of alcoholic reality.
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