How foot health affects your life and beauty

About beauty it is customary to take care of the face 24/7. Meanwhile, there are other factors of female attractiveness that are important to keep in mind.

In the fight for youth, we usually think of the skin first: we experiment with home care, go to salons, take care of the beauty of our hair. At the same time, a beautiful, healthy figure and slender legs shape our appearance and are no less worthy of attention.

It would seem that it is not so difficult to achieve the figure of your dreams with due diligence: know and follow the principles of proper nutrition and go in for sports. But even here there are nuances, which orthopedic surgeon Oleksandr Reshetivskyi told us in detail.

Body in action

Active girls devote enough time to sports at any time of the year. But are our efforts definitely beneficial for the feet? But no!

All-weather marathons are an absolute trend, a method of modern socialization and a walk in fashionable sneakers. And running is an intense sport that wears out the body. Surprised? The running boom allows doctors to more often mention typical injuries such as “runner's knee”. Impact load during running (especially if the runner starts “from place to career” without preparation and recommendations of a sports doctor) can lead to the destruction of articular cartilage.

How healthy your foot affects your life and beauty

Another nuance is the wrong choice of sneakers for such classes. It is not wise to wear the same shoes for fitness in the gym and for cross-country running. Running shoes have a flexible toe and do not prevent the natural bending of the foot during movement; fix the ankle and absorb well, softening the impact on the ground. If you are really going to run in the field, and not on well-organized paths with a rubberized surface, then the sole will ideally also need ground grips.

Fitness sneakers have a softer sole and a more “breathable” upper. Tennis shoes have a rigid fixation of the foot to avoid injuries, but they are not intended for ordinary walking, let alone jogging.

From here the conclusion: the words of a sports store consultant that different activities require different pairs of sneakers – not a marketing ploy, but the truth of life.

A study by the Community of European Podiatrists (SCOPD) showed that almost 40% of people buy sports shoes that do not fit them, focusing solely on their appearance.

This is an important point about any sports footwear. Doctors recommend changing it at least once a year (or every 300-400 km of “mileage”) during regular classes. Then the shoes wear out, the sole loses its elasticity and the joints are subjected to unwanted loads.

And how to run without harming health? Start each race with general physical training, warm-up. Do not “go for a record”, but gradually increase the load. So, to run a half-marathon, you need to train, gradually increasing the distance, for at least 10 months.

By the way, from the point of view of benefits for the joints, the ideal sport is swimming. Physical activity that stimulates blood circulation improves cartilage lubrication and nutrition. In addition, swimming in general is one of the best helpers in the fight for the perfect silhouette.

Beautiful couple

Having devoted enough time to fitness, we are in a hurry to go on a social outing. What height are your heels? Podiatrists (foot specialists) believe that the best heel height is 2-4 centimeters, a maximum of 6 centimeters. Let's not forget that our feet work as shock absorbers. If you deprive them of most of the surface, which is exactly what happens when you stand on heels, and overloads cannot be avoided. Just imagine: every centimeter of heel, starting from the fifth, adds 10-15 kg of load to the back! The entire musculoskeletal system suffers.

The most common foot deformity is the result of overuse and acquired (functional) flat feet. The list of frightening diagnoses can be supplemented with arthrosis of the foot joints, plantar fasciitis, heel spurs, etc.

According to WHO, 80% of the world's population Kuli has foot deformities.

Of course, the problems are not limited to the foot area. Constant load entails a lot of problems. In particular, it leads to curvature of the spine and even compression of the neck muscles. As a result, the brain lacks oxygen, hence the migraine. My head hurts, and my legs are to blame!

How healthy feet affect your life and beauty

Before putting on shoes, vigorously massage your feet and ankles. This will improve microcirculation and allow you to spend longer on your feet. And if you feel tired in the middle of the evening, try, without taking off your shoes, to raise the big toe and keep the rest at the same level. This way, you can reduce the pressure on your toes, which means that you can look a little more like heels.

Step forward

However, ballet shoes, which do not have heels at all, also hide another danger. An absolutely flat sole cannot absorb the impact of the heel on the surface of the ground. So, even during any movement (not to mention vigorous dancing), your muscles, ligaments, and joints are subjected to increased stress and receive microtraumas. However, the same rule, as you might guess, applies to any shoe with a flat sole. In the risk group: sneakers, Vans, Uggs.

Alarm button

You noticed that the shoes wear more on the inside of the soles, and your feet often “buzz” and swell in the evening, repeatedly occur unpleasant sensations in the calf muscles. And even, it happens, the lower back hurts. All this is a reason to consult a podiatrist (orthopedic).

How can this specialist help? First of all, he will conduct a diagnosis and determine the scale of the problem with the help of a special podoscope device. This device, thanks to the illumination and inspection mirror, makes it possible to visually assess the pronation of the feet under static load.

Next, its task is to restore the physiologically natural distribution of the load on the foot. After studying the nature of her movement, he will recommend exercises that will help restore tone to the muscles of the foot and help choose individual orthopedic insoles.

Unfortunately, conventional shoes with insteps or mass-produced orthoses will not be of any use. They fix the arch of the foot in some average “correct” position, supposedly preventing it from compacting. But at the same time, since there are no identical feet, the effect on any part of the foot. Where this roller shifts the load and whether it will bring benefit or, on the contrary, harm, is unknown. Only in the case when the insole is made specifically for your anatomical features, you can be sure that the foot performs its functions 100%.

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Author: alex

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