How long do people with HIV live? In figures and facts

Doctors have been looking for a cure for the human immunodeficiency virus for many years, but so far their success leaves much to be desired. How are things going with the life expectancy of patients now?

In fact, it cannot be said that doctors can do anything about HIV – there are now drugs that, when used correctly, can very seriously reduce the viral load. The facts also speak for themselves – the average life expectancy with HIV has increased by almost 20 years in 20 years, and this is a serious result. That is, most infected people live to old age.

Now, with the help of doctors, HIV patients can lead a normal life for many years and give birth to healthy children, which was almost impossible fifteen years ago. There are also cases when therapy has completely rid the body of the virus, but there are only a few such patients, and to be sure of the results you need to wait quite a long time, because HIV can “hide” in the body. Therefore, there are no confirmed cases of cure for the virus yet, but there are thousands of healthy children who were born thanks to the fact that their mothers received treatment.

According to experts, at the moment the life expectancy of HIV-infected people is practically unlimited – with competent therapy, the virus can be contained for many decades. There are many other factors that affect health and life expectancy, but HIV itself is no longer the cause of sudden death.

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Author: alex

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