How the 5 most important human organs suffer from alcohol

It has long been known that in moderate doses, alcohol consumption has practically no harmful effects on the body. However, if the norm is exceeded, you should immediately think about your health. If you look at the short-term effect, it appears 10 minutes after drinking the first glass. But the long-term consequences are much more important.

How organs suffer from alcohol overdose

Experts from the National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism, located in the USA, constantly state that excessive alcohol consumption can ultimately lead to cancer of various organs that are vital. In addition, most human organs will be quickly damaged.


The benefits of drinking red wine have been known for a long time. True, there is always a caveat that it should be consumed in small quantities – a glass before a meal once a day is quite enough. But when this glass turns into a bottle, there is no longer any benefit to speak of.

Instead of a positive effect, wine begins to have a negative effect on the body. First of all, it affects the work of the cardiovascular system. A person suffering from alcoholism develops shortness of breath, it becomes harder for him to breathe.


The first feeling a person experiences after drinking alcohol is euphoria. However, after a while it passes and the second, painful stage begins. Ethyl alcohol, which has already entered the body, begins to move to the brain.

As a result, a large number of nerve endings located in the brain are destroyed. This leads to memory loss, disorientation, seizures, and sometimes more serious consequences. In addition, when drinking large amounts of alcohol, a person loses coordination, it becomes difficult for him to move, and his speech becomes practically incoherent.


Scientists from the United States have concluded that more than 2 million people living in America suffer from cirrhosis of the liver. At the same time, it is caused, first of all, by alcohol abuse, and then by other factors.

The liver is one of the vital organs of the human body, which performs certain functions, including the removal of decay products, as well as improving digestion. Accordingly, under the influence of alcohol, all these functions practically cease to be implemented normally. Moreover, based on the indicators of transplantology, it is liver cirrhosis caused by alcohol abuse that is one of the main reasons for its replacement.


When a person consumes large amounts of alcohol, his pancreas ceases to function normally, since the enzymes passing through it do not enter the intestines. The result of this is the development of such a serious disease as diabetes mellitus, and in especially severe cases, the complete death of the pancreas. But even if this can be avoided, the gland is affected by pancreatitis, which is accompanied by quite severe symptoms. Starting with acute inflammation, it gradually turns into chronic.


The negative effect of alcohol on the kidneys is no less important than on other organs. Alcohol is a strong diuretic. As a result of its excessive use, the body becomes dehydrated, and the kidneys cease to perform their functions normally.

The result is a violation of processes related to metabolism, as well as acid-base balance. Thus, the condition of the body deteriorates significantly.

In conclusion, we can conclude that when alcohol turns from a bad habit into a disease, the state of health cannot improve in any way. Accordingly, the only possible option to correct this situation is to completely abandon alcohol and lead a healthy lifestyle.

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Author: alex

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