How to cook chicken cutlets so that they turn out juicy
Some housewives do not want to use poultry meat for cooking cutlets, because they believe that they will turn out dry.
In 3 tricks will help you with this, which will turn dry minced chicken into a tasty and juicy meat dish.
This vegetable is often used in recipes for chicken cutlets, because it is not only makes their taste more interesting, but also makes cutlets juicier.
You can add onions to the minced meat raw or pre-fry it in sunflower oil.
One more a great ingredient that gives juiciness to chicken patties.
The taste of zucchini is practically not felt in ready-made patties, so even those who do not like this vegetable are usually happy to eat patties with this addition.
< h3>Ice
And if the previous two ways to make chicken cutlets juicy, you have probably already encountered them, why can they be called traditional, then the method with ice may be a novelty for you.
However, it is enough to mention the recommendation to pour cold water into the minced meat and everything will fall into place.
Therefore, if you want the chicken cutlets to literally drip with juice, try using crushed ice for this purpose.
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