How to cook cutlets that will become a “hit” on the festive table

These cutlets are an interesting dish that combines the features of several dishes at once. The “shell” is potato. Due to this, the surface of the dish is a little reminiscent of mud. The meatballs are stuffed with mushrooms and cheese. The result is something similar to a julienne. At first glance, cooking such cutlets is not easy and takes a lot of time. However, it is not so difficult to cope with the task. The main thing is to follow the recipe.

Preparing the filling

For the filling, you need to boil 300 grams of mushrooms. Mushrooms that have reached readiness must be fried in a pan.

The resulting mushroom mass is sent to a deep container. There you need to pour 150 g of grated cheese, diced onion and herbs to taste.

After thorough mixing, you will get a mass that should be inside the future cutlets.

Forming the cutlets

First, you need to carefully beat half a kilo of meat. It is desirable to stop the choice on pork.

Next, you need to form several thin meat “circles”, and then wrap each of them with the previously prepared filling.

After that, you need to make “washers” roll in flour and dip in a beaten raw egg.

Final stages

The processed patties should be sprinkled with grated potatoes. Usually, three chopped tubers are enough for all the “washers”.

In this form, the dish goes on a sheet. Gomel style patties should be heated in the oven for a quarter of an hour at a temperature of 180 degrees.

The result will be the most delicious dish that will appeal to both potato fritters and meat lovers.

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Author: alex

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