How to cook incredibly delicious buckwheat porridge
There can be nothing extraordinary in cooking buckwheat. You may think so, but simply pouring water and boiling the cereal until ready is the standard option. And sometimes you want something more interesting. One option is to toast the buckwheat before sending it to the pan. This will give the finished dish a nutty flavor. There is another cooking method that makes the usual side dish really tastier and healthier.
What is its essence?
First, buckwheat is cooked in the usual way. That is, it is sorted out from the garbage, thoroughly washed and spread on a paper towel so that the groats become dry.
After this, the main point comes. It depends on how the buckwheat side dish will taste. Pour a few tablespoons of coconut oil into a deep frying pan. It should warm up, after which buckwheat is poured into it. The groats should be evenly distributed and wait for it to warm up for 2 minutes.
Now it's the turn of water. The optimal proportion is 2:1. That is, two parts of water are poured into one part of the groats. Increase the heat so that the water boils. Then turn it down to a minimum. The liquid should evaporate completely. Turn off the heat and leave the buckwheat to “rest” for 10-15 minutes. Delicious!
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