How to cook potatoes with a “crispy crust” without frying in oil
Many gourmets love fried potatoes. People who watch their calorie intake also like this side dish. Of course, a person who does not want to gain excess weight is forced to give up frequent use of this side dish. The reason is the presence of a large amount of fat, the source of which is oil. However, there is an alternative way to cook potatoes. The dish will get an appetizing crispy crust. At the same time, the nightshade does not need to be fried in a pan.
The sliced potatoes should be placed in a deep container, and then sprinkled with flour.
After thorough mixing, the product will be completely ready for heat treatment. Now comes the important moment: the vegetable should be placed not in a pan, but in the oven. After 20-30 minutes, the dish will be ready. The difference between potatoes cooked in this way will be the presence of a delicious crust on its surface.
A side dish cooked in the oven will pleasantly surprise any gourmet with its taste.
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