How to find out about the occurrence of gallstone disease

Gallstones can cause inflammation, severe pain, and infection. Risk factors include obesity, diabetes, heredity, and estrogen-based medications.

Abdominal pain. If you experience sharp and very sharp pain in the upper right abdomen that lasts for a very long time, it may be a sign of a gallstone attack. In any case, acute abdominal pain should not be ignored and tried to be dulled with any medication. This is a reason to immediately consult a doctor.

Recurrent pain. If you experience abdominal pain that disappears and then returns again, then gallstone disease may also manifest itself in this way. The pain is associated with how the stones behave inside the gallbladder, sometimes leaving its borders.

Pain after eating fatty foods. Eating foods that contain a lot of fat, such as fish, cheese and dark chocolate, leads to the release of a hormone in the body that activates the stones in the gallbladder. They begin to squeeze, as it were, which leads to pain.

Changes in urine and stool. If the color of your stool has become unusually light, and your urine, on the contrary, has darkened, then this may also indicate gallstone disease. This kind of color change is a consequence of impaired bile outflow from the body.

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Author: alex

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