How to hill tomatoes to increase yield

The yield of any crops, including tomatoes, is directly related to the plant's root system. With the help of such a simple procedure as hilling, it can be easily increased several times.


If you carefully examine the tomato bush, you will notice that additional roots can form in the basal zone on the stem of the plant.

It remains to help the plant a little so that later you can collect tomatoes in buckets.

Remember: hilling tomatoes is possible only with an adult plant. If you have recently carried out a transplant, the procedure should be postponed so that microbes do not get into open wounds.

To do this, first sprinkle the new roots with soil and scatter compost around the plant. The earth should cover the stem in such a way that it does not come into contact with the fertilizer.

As for compost: experienced gardeners advise using only well-rotted fertilizer. Vermicompost is excellent for these purposes. The compost should be sprinkled with soil on top.

The tomatoes are dug up to a height of about 8-10 centimeters. After the roots have formed, this operation can be repeated again. The main thing is to make sure that the leaves of the plant do not touch the ground, and the fruit clusters are well lit by the sun.

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Author: alex

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