How to keep potato skins from cracking when cooking
Any cook knows that potatoes cooked in their skins should be used as an ingredient for salads. The vegetable prepared in this way retains its integrity, does not crumble and is easily diced. However, the positive effect can be negated if the skin cracks.
And this happens very often because the skin does not always cope with the effects of high temperatures.
Cooks try to prevent this unpleasant consequence by reducing the heat. But the trick doesn't always work: the potatoes can still burst and turn out to be very crumbly due to the high starch content.
But what to do if you still need to prevent the integrity of the outer shell of the potato from being broken?
What to add to the pan
An additional ingredient – table vinegar – helps to solve the problem.
Fortunately, a positive effect is observed even when using a minimum amount of this liquid.
Thus, you can limit yourself to literally a few drops of vinegar. You can add them to the water both at the beginning of cooking the potatoes and after the water has boiled.
When using this life-saving component, the skin will not burst, and the taste of the dish will not be spoiled.
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